The various 'accidents' and 'incidents' in the complex and deep mapping of the transmutations, reactions or interplays between various dynamics, can be explored through the interstices or the intersections between physics, mathematics, big-data science and visual perception. It is precisely at the intermediate topologies where all calculations become uncertain, that innovative drawing 'systems' may be realised. In phase space, even the most supposedly simple visual elements have their own complex properties and 'memory'. What can be defined as an 'energy-trace drawing', may involve a complex modification of the relationship between matter and energy. Line may be redefined as a (quasi) periodic energy-tracing, a track, or a phase defect with far-reaching implications. New modes of drawing may be possible through 'activating', modifying, or even, disturbing the various coordinates and dynamics of space itself. Drawing through space may thus radically redefine our engagement with the physical world at the crossroads between art, philosophy, science and technology, inspiring deeper research, innovation and change.
Artist, author, editor, critic, lecturer. AHRC-funded PhD, MA, BA Fine Art, Surrey Univ./WCA. Lecturing MArch Westminster University, London. 53rd & 50th Venice Biennale, Tate Britain, Leonardo/MIT, ISEA2010-8, LFA/Cultural Olympiad 2012, Digicult, Spéciale Z, TRACEY, NY DigitalSalon, Marks in Space 2004, ABC:MTL (CCA), EspacioEnterCanarias 2016-7.