This book provides a brief introduction to the theory of finitedimensional differential inclusions, and deals in depth with control of threekinds of differential inclusion systems. The authors introduce the algebraicdecomposition of convex processes, the stabilization of polytopic systems, andobservations of Luré systems. They also introduce the elemental theory offinite dimensional differential inclusions, and the properties and designs ofthe control systems described by differential inclusions. Addressing thematerial with clarity and simplicity, the book includes recent researchachievements and spans all concepts, concluding with a critical mathematicalframework.
This book is intended for researchers, teachers and postgraduatestudents in the area of automatic control engineering.
Convex sets and Convex Functions.- Set-valued Mappings and Differential Inclusions.- Convex Processes.- Linear Polytope Control Systems.- Luré Differential Inclusions.