Quantum computing is very advanced, most recent high speed and high performance computing, often called Nanocomputing having Quantum (Nano) Processor, where data store, address and process in the form of single electron charge instead of conventional current flow. The status data and representation for processing obtain by polarization.i.e. either spin up or spin down motion of quanta in Quantum dots computing and information processing circuits to represent 1s and 0s respectively of digital equivalent quantum format, this phenomenon called Spintronics. This quick book will gives you review, introduction and concept development ideas for Quantum Computing with its delimitations and research in progress.
lecturer for UG/PG. After, M.Sc,PGDM,MBA Presented work at national/international level in Nanoelectronics/quantum computing. Organized state/university level seminars/workshops, Director of institute in IT and Mgmt account 35 national, 40 international presentations, published 10 national and 2 international papers,published 7 books.